Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Experience Writing 2

My Memorable Experience When Studied Writing 2

August 28th, 2013 was my first meeting in writing 2 with Mrs. Leni Marlina. At that time, I never knew what Mrs. Lina looked like. I just heard her name from my lecturer in reading 1, Mr. Zainil. He told us that Mrs. Lina was one of his clever student and at that time Mrs. Lina was in Australia to have her magister program. Since I was taught by Mrs. Lina, I have learned many things from her, such as how to manage the time, assignments and how to make my best writing project in writing 2.
First, when we are talking about the time that I had spent while studying writing 2. I think, it is the most incredible time for this semester. Why I say like that? because, as I remember we had a class more than 16 sessions until now. I still remember when the first meeting on August 28th, 2013, Mrs. Lina asked us to have a class on every Saturday morning until the afternoon for a month, because she would take time off to give birth. Actually, it made me little bit upset me because if I had a class on Saturday, it means that I could not go to my hometown for this month so that I had to spend much money this month.
Second thing is about the assignments that Mrs. Lina gave to us. Truly, I only focus with this material, writing 2, because the lecturer gave another task before the task that she had gave before was done. So that make me little bit confused, what I should do first, meanwhile another tasks were waiting for me. Besides, we also had to give some comments to other writing projects and corrected my friends’ writing. By correcting others’ writing project, I got more idea how to make a good essay and also grammatical rules in academic writing. In addition, we also had to write our writing projects on a blog, so that I had to make a blog and  had been published my writing projects on it.

During this whole semester, I had learned three writing projects which are the narrative text, discussion text and review text. From the three writing projects that had been written, I think my best writing project is the discussion text because it had passed for several steps that made this material be the best one. The title of my discussion text is “Should the Event of Miss World be Held in Indonesia?” At that time, it was a hot issue in Indonesia, so that I chose this title as my writing in second writing project. I began to make an outline and searched on the internet some issues to support it. After I finished my first outline, I asked my friends to corrected it and it continued until three steps; revision 1, 2 and 3. After I finished into revision three, I thought it was the best one that I had done because all of the suggestions that my friends gave were very acceptable and supported my writing to be the best one.

In conclusion, studied writing 2 with Ms. Line is one of the best memorable subject that I got this semester, because many things that I have learned while studying writing 2. For instance, I learned to be independent person and manageable the schedule that I had got. I also learned to be more responsible of what I have done. Before I studied writing 2 with Mrs. Lina, I used to make something without putting the sources. Overall, this is an predictable experience.

6 komentar:

  1. That's right, we must face the problems with the strong mental :)
    I think the study will not make a sense if there are not problems :)
    so, just let it flow and fix them patiently ..

  2. I agree with you wiwit,, :)
    so do I.. I think this semester is the most memorable experience... :)

  3. I also agree with you Wiwit. We almost have the same experience.

  4. of course we had the same experience all :D
    btw, i hope it will be over xDD

    nice essay Wid :D
    keep fighting^^

  5. it is must be writing 2 experience or experience in Writing 2, you're title is not grammatically correct...

  6. one more, it's better to write "My Memorable Experience When Studied Writing 2". your title sounds not complete...
