Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Project 3: Review Text

Title                             : The Sister’s Keeper
Directed by                 : Jonathan McGarry
Duration of film          : 1 hour 49 minutes
Genre                          : Drama movie
Actors and Actreess    : Sofia Vassilieva as Kate Fitzgerald,
 Cameron Diaz as Sara Fitzgerald,
 Abigail Breslin as Anna Fitzgerald,
 Jason Patric as Brian Fitzgerald,
 Evan Ellingson as Jesse Fitzgerald,
 Alec Baldwin as Campbell Alexander,
 Joan Cusack as Judge De Salvo,
 Heather Wahlquist as Aunt Kelly, and
 Thomas Dekker as Taylor Ambrose
Year of released          : June 26, 2009
Distributed by              : New Line Cinema
Country                       : United States
Language                    : English

            I absolutely love this movie. This is a drama film about a little girl who requires her mother to get a medical independence named Anna Fitzgerald. She has a sister, named Kate Fitzgerald who is a patient of acute leukemia. During her life Kate always having surgery donation that given by her sister, Anna, to keep Kate’s life.
            In the beginning of this story tells about how Anna survives her sister’s life without taking the part of her body. In this story also tells about how Anna survives her life by requiring her mother because her mother has took her body since she was a baby. However, if she would not take her body, probably her sister will die, because only Anna that can help Kate’s life. This is a very sadness moment that I watched and I have to say “I cried”.
            In the middle of this story tells about Kate get along with Taylor (one of patients of leukemia). Kate and Taylor become a couple and spend their time together. This moment makes Kate become more spirit and her self confidence become huge to survive her life. Unfortunately, they cannot get along for a long time because Taylor dies. This accident makes Kate become falling down and tries to suicide. Not for a long time later, Kate finally died. The ending of this story, finally Anna gets what she wants, a medical independence and life happily with her family ever after.
            This movie definitely shows us how Anna and Kate survive their life. Anna is a little girl that must give her body to her sister. However Kate is a sister that must get Anna’s body to survive. This movie also shows us how a family is very important in our life, how Kate’s mother struggle for Kate’s life. From this movie I have learned that life is a choice to be happy, even if it means to sacrifice for those we love. Sacrifice does not mean we give everything that we have. It also teaches us how to be a sincere person.

3 komentar:

  1. Good review Wiwit,, but here are some comments from me..
    "In the beginning of this story tells about...", I think i'll be better if u change it to "At the beginning of this story, it tells about..."
    "In the middle of this story tells about.." --> "In the middle of this story, it tells.." or "The middle of this story tells about..."

  2. nice story wiwit,,,, :)
    i am still confused whether in interpretative recount we use present or past,,
    overall I like it,, :)

  3. what a nice movie Wit :')
    but please pay attention the tenses that are used Wit :)
    keep fighting^^
