Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013
Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013
Review Text 2: Poem Review
Shiny Tale
We begin playing as an orchestra our dream of journeying, and flip to the first page
I have found something that sparkles even more than any treasure
When I turn around and look, your silly-looking smiling faces give me the boost to go as far as I want |
The tale we once wrote in this small room
will be the prologue to the novel we're currently writing |
With a speed fast enough for us to almost reach the vast sky,
we have been running with our hands off the ship's wheel We begin playing as an orchestra our dream of journeying, and flip to the next page |
No matter what difficulties we may face, be it a storm or a black rain,
we will ride on the tailwind and wait in a place no one else anywhere will be able to reach |
The tale we are writing in this vast sea
begins filling up our blank map |
We sail towards a sea of endless dreams, not knowing whether we'll find light or darkness
On a sea where even the light is pitch black, there will always be wind
There's hope visible in a still hidden location, as well as countless sorrows
This is our one and only journey, so we begin looking for the next pages
poem is one the anime soundtrack “Daily Live of high School Boys”. This poem
has a great significance and is quite difficult to be understood. The selection
of words that used by Yuki in this poem a little bit complicated and poetic. I absolutely
love every meaning that contains in this poem which is tell about the story of
in my opinion, Yuki did not merely write about a friendship, but also about the
expectation and goals. “Begin playing as an orchestra our dream of journeying,
and flip to the first page” here represents a trip to get the succesful and
also the expectations that will be achieved. “I have found something that
sparkles ven more than any treasure” represents to something that make Yuki
believes that there is a great tresure that more than anything else, a
poem also tells about the memories that Yuki did in the past with his friends.
“The tale we once wrote in this smaal room, will be the prologue to the novel
we are currently writing” represents to the memorable time that Yuki spend with
his friends and it will be a nice memory for him and will be kept it in his
writing these words, “No matter what difficulties we may face, be it a storm or
black rain, we will ride on the tailwind” Yuki might want to show to his
friends that although they have a different faith from others, we have to
struggle to get happiness together and begin to reach the journey of life,
because life is only once and we only have one opportunity to get our goal and
to be success.
Project 3: Review Text
Title :
The Sister’s Keeper
Directed by : Jonathan McGarry
Duration of film : 1 hour 49
Genre : Drama
Year of released :
June 26, 2009
Distributed by :
New Line Cinema
Country :
United States
Language :
I absolutely love this
movie. This is a drama film about a little girl who requires her mother to get
a medical independence named
Anna Fitzgerald. She has
a sister, named
Kate Fitzgerald who is
a patient of acute leukemia. During her life Kate always having surgery
donation that given by her sister, Anna, to keep Kate’s life.
the beginning of this story tells about how Anna survives her sister’s life
without taking the part of her body. In this story also tells about how Anna
survives her life by requiring her mother because her mother has took her body
since she was a baby. However, if she would not take her body, probably her
sister will die, because only Anna that can help Kate’s life. This is a very
sadness moment that I watched and I have to say “I cried”.
the middle of this story tells about Kate get along with Taylor (one of
patients of leukemia). Kate and Taylor become a couple and spend their time together.
This moment makes Kate become more spirit and her self confidence become huge
to survive her life. Unfortunately, they cannot get along for a long time
because Taylor dies. This accident makes Kate become falling down and tries to
suicide. Not for a long time later, Kate finally died. The ending of this
story, finally Anna gets what she wants, a medical independence and life
happily with her family ever after.
movie definitely shows us how Anna and Kate survive their life. Anna is a
little girl that must give her body to her sister. However Kate is a sister
that must get Anna’s body to survive. This movie also shows us how a family is
very important in our life, how Kate’s mother struggle for Kate’s life. From
this movie I have learned that life is a choice to be happy, even if it means
to sacrifice for those we love. Sacrifice does not mean we give everything that
we have. It also teaches us how to be a sincere person.
Experience Writing 2
My Memorable Experience When
Studied Writing 2
August 28th, 2013 was my first
meeting in writing 2 with Mrs. Leni Marlina. At that time, I never knew what Mrs.
Lina looked like. I just heard her name from my lecturer in reading 1, Mr.
Zainil. He told us that Mrs. Lina was one of his clever student and at that
time Mrs. Lina was in Australia to have her magister program. Since I was taught
by Mrs. Lina, I have learned many things from her, such as how to manage the
time, assignments and how to make my best writing project in writing 2.
First, when we are talking about the time
that I had spent while studying writing 2. I think, it is the most incredible
time for this semester. Why I say like that? because, as I remember we had a
class more than 16 sessions until now. I still remember when the first meeting
on August 28th, 2013, Mrs. Lina asked us to have a class on every
Saturday morning until the afternoon for a month, because she would take time
off to give birth. Actually, it made me little bit upset me because if I had a
class on Saturday, it means that I could not go to my hometown for this month
so that I had to spend much money this month.
Second thing is about the assignments that Mrs.
Lina gave to us. Truly, I only focus with this material, writing 2, because the
lecturer gave another task before the task that she had gave before was done.
So that make me little bit confused, what I should do first, meanwhile another
tasks were waiting for me. Besides, we also had to give some comments to other
writing projects and corrected my friends’ writing. By correcting others’
writing project, I got more idea how to make a good essay and also grammatical
rules in academic writing. In addition, we also had to write our writing
projects on a blog, so that I had to make a blog and had been published my writing projects on it.
During this whole semester, I had learned
three writing projects which are the narrative text, discussion text and review
text. From the three writing projects that had been written, I think my best
writing project is the discussion text because it had passed for several steps
that made this material be the best one. The title of my discussion text is
“Should the Event of Miss World be Held in Indonesia?” At that time, it was a
hot issue in Indonesia, so that I chose this title as my writing in second
writing project. I began to make an outline and searched on the internet some
issues to support it. After I finished my first outline, I asked my friends to
corrected it and it continued until three steps; revision 1, 2 and 3. After I
finished into revision three, I thought it was the best one that I had done
because all of the suggestions that my friends gave were very acceptable and
supported my writing to be the best one.
In conclusion, studied writing 2 with Ms.
Line is one of the best memorable subject that I got this semester, because
many things that I have learned while studying writing 2. For instance, I
learned to be independent person and manageable the schedule that I had got. I
also learned to be more responsible of what I have done. Before I studied
writing 2 with Mrs. Lina, I used to make something without putting the sources.
Overall, this is an predictable experience.
Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013
Memories in Writing 1 and My Expectations in Writing 2
Many people said that studies writing is
the most difficult thing in English, because we have to know about the
grammatical rules and get many vocab on it. Beside that we have to have a
background knowledge to make a good paragraph becomes more interesting and
persuade. In case, I ever had this situation when i studied writing in the last
semester. It was the most difficult thing that i got when i studied in the last
First of all, it is about the lecturer that tough us when I studied
writing 1 in the last semester. When i studied writing 1, we studied with Mr.
Saunir and Mr. Hafidz. For the first meeting with Mr. Saunir, it made me little
bit scare, because he was little bit scary. He was very discipline and looks
unfriendly. When we studied with Mr. Saunir, we must be on time and cooperated
in the class. We have to made a presentation every week and show it up in front
of the class. During the whole semester i studied writing 1 with Mr. Saunir, he
was very different with what i have thought before. He was very kind and
friendly. I like his style to gave lessons to us, he also shared to us about
his own experience in his life. Different from Mr. Saunir, Mr. Hafidz gave the
lessons with one way. He made a presentation on Microsoft PowerPoint and explained
to us about the material. Actually, it was little bit boring. Truly, i
usually felt sleepy until the class was over.
Second, it is about the material
that we got in writing 1. When we studied writing 1 in the last semester we
have got many materials from the lecturers. We have learned about how to make a
good paragraph that had related for each paragraph, the basic skill of writing
skill. When I made a presentation in front of the class, I made many mistakes
on my writing, about the grammar, develop of my writing. I think it was very
embarrassing when I presented my writing in front of the class because I got
many mistakes on my writing. I still remember when Mr. Saunir said that my
writing was very simple and there was have no related of each paragraph. During
that time, I am always trying to make notes on my book with English to improve
my English, especially on writing.
The last one is about the
examination. I still remember when the final examination on third building, I
was very confused to made an essay. The most difficult thing is about mind, it
was very hurting my mind to thought what I was going to write? So when the time
was over, I had not done yet. I still writing on my paper and still trying to
get some ideas on it. It was very hurtful and made me little bit disappointed
because I thought "How stupid I am!" I could not imagine if the
lecturer refused my paper. I must be got a bad mark in writing section.
Fortunately, I got a good mark, but it was not good enough. So I have to have more
spirit and keep on fighting to get new lessons in this semester.
During this whole semester, I
hope my writing will be better than last semester. I hope I can be more
creative to tell or share something on my writing. The lecturer will be
friendly to make the class more interesting. Also I hope this semester I can
improve my writing and increase the skill of writing.
Jumat, 27 September 2013
Writing Project: Discussion Text
Should the Event of Miss
World be
Held in Indonesia?
Miss World, which is
the largest and the oldest beauty event in the world, will host the 64th
contest in Indonesia for the first time on September 3rd to 28th
2013. The three provinces will witness this grand event there are Bali (Opening
ceremony and fast track events), Jakarta (quarantine) and West Java (Live
events and Closing-coronation ceremony). Indonesia as a country with a large
variety of natural beauty and culture certainly was interested in organizing
this event, but soon turns pros and cons accompany the journey towards the
implementation of this contest.
As a country that has
many traditions and holding the strong cultures, the event like Miss World will
give a bad image for Indonesia. The controversy comes from some the council of
Islam organizations. The Indonesian
Ulema Council (MUI), for instance, has conveyed its disagreement with the event
by saying that
the pageant was not in line with Islamic teachings. Radical groups the Islam
Defenders Front (FPI) and the Islamic People’s Forum (FUI) have also demanded
the government to cancel this event. As a Muslim-majority
country, an event like Miss World is against Islamic and Indonesian culture
because of damaging women’s dignity by exploiting their bodies, said Abdul Rahman, who is one of the coordinator of HTI.
In addition, Miss World pageant is like an event that shows the beauty of bodies
up on the big stage. This is not appropriate with the culture of Indonesia,
which has the ideology that upholds women and it is contrary to the norms of
politeness that people have appreciated in Asia, especially in Indonesia. Similarly,
all contestants of this event must wear a bikini on the stage and will be seen
by a hundred trillion people around the world, because this event will be on
air in all of the television in the world. In this case, it seems like the
government supports pornography.
On the other hand, in
spite of all the controversy that comes, Miss World contest has great
contributed to the progress of the development of Indonesia. First, as an event
that is followed by many countries in the world, of course, this event can introduce
all of the things about Indonesia to all around the world such as cultures,
languages, unique biological and social nature. In addition, the Miss World
pageant 2013 in Indonesia will also be on air the International media. As a
result, more than 140 countries will broadcast the contest on their television
screens and an estimated 3 billion people of the world will watch the contest
live on television. It means the supporter of participants in each country are
present to witness in Indonesia will give a positive impact on various sectors
such as economics, business hotel -lodging, travel agents, culinary, tourism,
fashion, and industrial creative as a souvenir -Indonesian souvenirs. This course
will provide income-effect for Indonesia.
In conclusion, as Indonesian people whose well
known suave, smiling and rich in culture, especially as the religious people who do
not teach violence to intimidate,
so that we must be wise to receive this event.
Therefore, as the citizen who has the insight and positive thinking, let us
take the positive lessons from this contest. Regardless of all the
controversies norms, I think, this
contest is only an event of the acting on the stage that provides many
advantages to survival of a nation.
Sabtu, 14 September 2013
Walk? Why not!
Writen by: Wiwit Melayu
Writen by: Wiwit Melayu
This story is about my own experience when i was in junior high school, grade 3.
When I was in junior high
school, I had an experience that could change my life. The story began when my
father asked me to go to my uncle’s house in Petok. So I decided to go there with my youngest brother and a
friend. From my home to my uncle’s it is about an hour by bus, but before that
we must walk about
20 minutes from my village into downtown. Then we decided to get an Ojek from my home into downtown. At downtown we got a bus into Petok easily.
In Petok, I met with my
uncle and his wife. My uncle invited us to go to his garden to get some
fruits. At the uncle’s garden we played
and put some fruits there. After we played there, we decided to come back to
uncle’s home and got permision to him to come back to my village, because the day was almost
afternoon. Before we went home, my aunty gave some rice and some fruits. So, we
had permitted with my uncle and aunty and took a bus into my village. When we
were waiting for a bus to took us, Suddenly, I felt there was no money on my pocket, my wallet was
I said loudly “Where is my
wallet? It lost!”
My brother said “Really? How could it be?! So,
what should we do? We did not have
Surprisingly, my friend
said that we had to walk to get home because we did not
have to get the bus. Then, we decided to walk into my village.
You know, it is about 20 Kilometers. We made a tasked that after two or three
blocks, one of us must brought rice and fruits that have given from my uncle’s
house. So, I decided to bring it first, after two or three blocks, I gave those things to my
brother and so on until we got the home. But my friend, Kamal, when he brought those things, he ate one by one of them
because he could not stand it, he felt thirsty and hungry.
After we walked for 10
kilometers, I saw the time at 3 P.M. But we still had 10 kilometers left to
walk. We were very tired and thirsty. So we decided to eat one by one of the
fruits that given from my uncle. After we ate it, my friend said, “Hey, look at
there, there is so much water, I think it is clean and fresh to drink!”
Then he and my brother
went to the source of water and drunk some water there. While they were
drinking, suddenly it made me very sad and made me cried. I thought that it was my fault, if I did
not lost those money, we must be get home soon. My friend saw me and spoke
loudly, “This is my nicest trip in my life, this is our story. I will never forget this day,
March 15 2009, is not it? I love this trip, so why you must be cry? Just enjoy
it and fell it that we are having a pramuka’s
When i
heard those words, I felt much better and my spirit come out. After we
took a rest for a while, we continued our journey. It almost closed from my
village, I heard that Mu’adzin had
spoke up the adzan magrib, but we
still at Sungai Pindahan village, it
is about 6 or 7 kilometers from my house. We still went on and spirit to
continue it until we got home. After we got Pasar
Dalik, we took a rest for while and the time was at 8 P.M. While we taking
a rest at a bridge, I saw a car that I thought, “I must be know this car”. That
car belongs to my friend, then I stopped that car and say, “Bang, may I join
with you to get home?”
He said, “Of course, but
where have you been? You look so tired”
paniang bang!” I Said.
Finally, I got home and I
saw the time it was about at 9 P.M. When I met my father, he was very surprised
because we looked so tired and down. After I got took a bath, I told about my
journey from Petok until we got home.
He was very surprised of it and said that he will never asked me to go to my
uncle’s house anymore and I said, “It does not matter yah. I felt tired, thirsty and hungry, but in fact, this journey
makes me realize that this is the real life. I have grown up now, thank you for
give me this lesson, I love this journey!”
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